Large language models require training data sets in order to continuously improve. However, given the rate at which models are growing we are soon goi...
The Digital Personal Data Protection Bill - will be discussed in the Monsoon Session of Parliament and, if passed, will be the first step to a modern data protection law.
Technology is neither βgoodβ nor βbadβ. It depends on who uses it and for what purpose.
New technologies require regulators to think differently about safety. They need to find ways in which to encourage experimentation and yet not do so ...
As artificial intelligence enters into the music industry, it is only those artists who are able to embrace the change who will survive the transition.
Our instinctive reaction to new and revolutionary technology is often fear of consequences that we cannot predict. But if we can rein in our instincts...
We use ride hailing applications for personal transport as well as the delivery of packages in the city. How come we have not used the same solutions for national transport.
We have, always accepted the governance frameworks that have already been implemented elsewhere in the world. With DPI we can be rule makers not rule takers.
When healthcare is powered by artificial intelligence and smart devices, we must ensure that everyone benefits. We need open, transparent algorithms.
Regulators believe that the moment a new technology comes around they need to flex their regulatory muscle to wrestle it under control. In most instan...